Monday, April 29, 2013


Alright this is using the same ingredients as in the roll that I have done before. Just that the filling, I have replaced it with nutella. Yes, simple, just nutella or any other type of chocolate spread that you have.

  • 600g of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 230 ml of warm fresh milk
  • 100g of sugar
  • 75g of melted butter
  • 1 packet of dried yeast
  • Nutella or chocolate spread


  1. Cairkan yeast kedlm warm milk yg telah dicampurkan dgn gula. 
  2. In another bowl, masukkan tepung, buat mcm lubang kat tengah, masukkan 2 telur one by one, then masukkan mixture yeast (no 1) dan melted butter
  3. Uli sampai texture menjadi doh yg bulat. Tutup dan biarkan naik selama 1 jam dlm oven yg tak dinyalakan, bersama satu bowl air panas) 
  4. Spread tepung on your working table. Sapukan juga pada roller supaya tak melekat. Ratakan doh tadi seboleh bolehnya bentuk rectacangle. Tebalnya dlm 1 cm.

5. Sapukan nutella all over permukaan

6. Roll doh tadi. Potong dlm 4cm tebal. Susun dlm loyang yg dah disapu dgn butter dan dialas dgn kertas minyak. Tutup dgn plastic transparent utk food, biarkan naik lagi selama satu jam, still dlm oven yg di off bersama dgn satu bowl air panas.

 7. Bakar dlm oven yg telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu selama 10min at 180°C. Bakar lebih kurang 20-25min. 

#I have the recipe using a breadmachine. Message me if interested.

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